student mtg monday

Galleriet, Chateau Neuf Every Monday we play Magic: The Gathering, come join us! πŸ€— The first Monday each month we have beginner-nights for new players πŸ‘‹ We break down the rules and start of with beginner friendly decks πŸ‘Œ Casual Commander is the most popular format, but we are open for all formats. There is often decks to borrow, so bring whatever you got or come empty handed, you will get to play anyway πŸ§™β€β™€οΈπŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ One Monday a month we also join the Casual Commander night in the city, so check out the #mtg channel before you join every time to make sure we are there 🀞 Last event for the semester: June 10th. Looking forward to play with you 🀩